

Recently I discovered the work of artist Sarah Maple. I really love some of her ideas, yes yes, granted her work isn't revolutionary, it's nothing feminist art hasn't seen before, but actually sometimes it isn't a bad thing to be reminded of issues that have as much resonance today as they ever did.

Maple dives head-first into controversy, combining a strong attitude towards women's rights with an exploration of her Muslim upbringing. She churns out confident, squirm-inducing work that (for a generation of twenty-somethings bombarded by female 'icons' like Taylor Swift...oh Taylor), is a welcome shake-up.

My personal favourites are her aspirational Disney princesses who zealously inhabit 'typically male' work environments. Check out Belle yelling at the ref!

Maple gave an interview with the Independent recently; I liked her straight-forward ballsy attitude towards critics. Also she called them "lazy" for comparing her to Tracey Emin. Good for her. All in all I am excited by young women in their 20s overtly addressing feminist issues in their art.

Also hats off to her for propagating the NO MORE PAGE 3 campaign, which aims to change the presentation of women in the British press. Go Sarah.

Check Sarah Maple out here.