Tonight I went to a recording of the BBC Radio 4 show Bridget Christie: Minds the Gap. Though I found that her comedy wasn't exactly my humour, I can confirm that she was indeed funny and her jokes were clever. Crucially, I made this judgement after her show and thus, having heard her material. It was really interesting to hear about a woman comedian's experiences- or rather struggles- in the world of stand-up comedy. Her overall message was that women seem to have a deficit to pay off before they even get on to the stage, immediately deemed 'unfunny' because of their sex. She urged people to by all means judge women comedians, but to give them the same chance to be unfunny as their male counterparts, instead of assuming they won't be because...well obviously women just aren't funny and also (lest we forget) cannot drive.
If anyone reading this has recently felt the sharp burn of being negatively stereotyped, for whatever reason, be thankful you aren't trying to break through as a female comedian.
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